How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay: Tips and Ideas, writing a cause and effect essay.

Writing a cause and effect essay

“The development of social media leads to an increase in cases of cyberbullying, thus, there should be created more organizations that are oriented towards psychological support for cyberbullying victims.”

The concluding part for your cause and effect essay is pretty much the same as for other types of essays that you usually write. In other words, it doesn’t have any specific requirements except that it should summarize your essay and your point of view. It should also mention the key elements from the previous parts of your essay, including the thesis statement, though you shouldn’t repeat it but paraphrase instead. You should also end your essay on a powerful note – consider adding some suggestions for future research or the possible ways of solving the problem. For example, if you are writing about air pollution and its effect on global warming, you can end your essay with some suggestions on how humanity can reduce this bad influence by recycling and finding new energy sources.

  1. Modern music and its influence on teen culture.
  2. The impact of junk food on obesity among junior school students.
  3. How mental health is influenced by cyberbullying.
  4. What causes some videos to become viral?
  5. How owning a pet influences people’s health.

  • Choose the topic that is not very banal – you can ask your teacher or professor for advice if you are not sure of the topic that you chose is perspective for an essay of this type.
  • Use the specific words that are common for a cause and effect essay: as a result of, because of, it result(s) in, due to, consequently, thus, therefore, etc.
  • If you are working with multiple causes or effects, use the words like: the first cause (effect) is, another cause (effect) is, one of the causes (effects) is, etc.
  • Don’t lose the logical flow of your essay – make sure each and every claim that you make throughout the work supports your thesis statement.
  • Make sure you investigate the topic thoroughly and get familiar with different points of view. If you have another opinion, not the one that other researchers stick to, you will need enough of credible evidence to prove you are right.
  • Use multiple examples to assemble with the causes and effects discussed in your essay

    Thesis Statement

    Cause and effect essay is an academic work that is based on the facts, events, and actions that lead to a particular result. The purpose of such an essay is to analyze the impact and the outcomes that can also be named as reasons (cause) and results (effect), their correlation, and possible future effects.

    When picking a topic for your essay, be sure to pick the one that resonates with you – it is the best way to write a deep and well-thought piece. Think about the things that you see around you and that are easy to correlate with particular causes. For example, urbanization and its effect on human health and the environment.

    The body paragraphs of your essay should be focused on the cause (or various causes) and the effect (or various effects) and the correlation between them. You can use different methods to prove your point of view – statistical data, related researches, quotes from authoritative sources, situation modeling, etc. Your aim is not to persuade your reader, but to make logical conclusions and analyze the problem from various angles.

    The structure of a cause and effect essay is very much alike to other essays that you are used to writing. It should start with the introduction part that contains your thesis statement, prove your point of view operating facts and data in the body section of your paper, and summarize the topic with the conclusion part.

    Writing a cause and effect essay

    One possible cause…
    Example: One possible cause of global warming is the overall attitude of humans to nature.

    You can organize the information in the main body differently, depending on your aim. You can use the order of importance or the time of order, depending on the topic. Causes and effects can be organized in chronological order or reverse order. If you have decided to cover both causes and effects, start with a description of causes and present effects later.

    Before was… Now is…
    Example: Before the appearance of social networks, people could use chats, forums, and dating sites to communicate with each other. Now we have a wide range of social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.

    There is a list of reasons: a, b, c, finally…
    Example: There is a list of reasons for water pollution: industrial waste, sewage water, mining activities, chemical pesticides, radioactive waste, etc.


    Writing a cause and effect essay

    When you will have finished the structure of the essay you will be ready to start writing it paragraph by paragraph.

    Step 3. Conduct research. If your topic is complex enough or information that you already know about the topic is insufficient, you need to conduct research. To write a good cause and effect essay, search for additional information in the library, on the internet, or interview someone who knows enough about the topic. Briefly write the most interesting facts and phrases that you will use when crafting your first draft. Write down the questions that need additional information or examples. Also mention the sources that you are going to use in your essay and the stage of writing a works cited list will be much easier.

    Both school and university students are often assigned with a cause and effect paper. Students need to master the writing of cause and effect essays to be able to think integrally about causes and effects of certain events, and to make connections between events and analyze the effects.

    Certain actions can cause certain reactions. In everyday life you have already used the principles of analysis of causes or effects. For example, you must use them when your tutor asks you why you are late and you have to explain why. In many spheres people use cause and effect analysis: scientists, managers, doctors, detectives, and many other specialists must investigate why things happen as they do. Such analysis helps not only to define why something has occurred, but also to understand the nature of phenomena and how to behave in a particular case.

    Writing a cause and effect essay

    The conclusion is the final element of your cause and effect essay structure. You need to restate your thesis statement. However, do not copy it directly. The aim is to remind the reader of your argument. Look at the following examples to see what it means to restate your thesis.

    Another reason for social media addiction is poor awareness of the problem among the public. Compared to other forms of addiction, checking the Facebook feed does not seem that harmful. However, as Ahmad (2018) reveals, it requires more effort to resist social media accounts than alcohol or smoking. As people have a very low degree of awareness regarding the long-term effects of constant social media use, they do not acknowledge the seriousness of the problem. As a result, more and more users live their life in smartphones and disregard real-life interactions, which has its consequences. В

    People are always excited to get a notification about a new like, comment, or message. Why is it so? There is an actual biochemical reason for it: the human brain releases dopamine. According to Ahmad (2018), this makes people feel happy. It is attributed to the fact that “likes” give people the impression of social validation. Thus, they feel accepted by the group of their peers and get a sense of belonging. In the long term, the pleasure and excitement from virtual interactions become addictive and make people spend a great deal of their time online, rejecting to do other tasks and duties. В

    To introduce and develop your idea, use a traditional paragraph format:

    Body Paragraph (Causes)

    Writing a cause and effect essay

    • Cause 1
    • Cause 2
    • Effect 1
    • Effect 2

    Typically, you will need to present several causes of the problem. It will show your teacher that you have analyzed the issue from different angles. You may single out one reason as the most important and discuss it first and move on to describing the secondary causes. Do not forget that each paragraph should be focused on one particular idea. Thus, each distinct cause should have a separate paragraph.

    Ahmad, I. (2018, July 27). Why are we addicted to social media? [Infographic]. Social Media Week.

    Writing a cause and effect essay

    For both the cause and the effect, it is recommended that you develop at least three strong arguments. These are your essay’s main points. Explain the effect of your trend, phenomenon or event. You should refer back continually to the cause in order to make connections and link which will help your audience process the cause and effect effectively.

    This will be your essay’s starting point and the ‘cause.’ You should explain the cause’s background in significant detail so that the basis of your paper will be understood by your readers. Decide on the structure of your essay and according to this, outline your essay.

    Before anything else, it is a good idea to make a list of all possible effects and the causes related to your topic to help your topic become more focused. Analyze each effect and cause in your list and check to see how strong the relationships are. This can give you a clear understanding of how things ought to fit together and what topics really do interest you.

    Before actually writing an essay of this type, you will need to know what exactly a cause and an effect is. A cause is what makes something happen, and an effect is what happens because of the cause. There are different types of effects and causes that you might take into consideration.

    Make Strong Arguments

    For the 3 rd cause and effect, repeat the structure. List the details that support this in the form of points and write a lead into the next paragraph.

    This course can help you make the transition from high school essay writing to college essay writing. Now that you understand what a cause and effect is, it is time to decide on a subject or topic. There needs to be a clear relationship between the effects and the causes of the topic you choose.

    Whether you are in a university or in high school, you will usually be called upon to write an essay that analyzes a relationship of cause and effect. Aside from school, essays of this type are also written by bloggers, magazine reporters and news reporters which you can find out more about using this course on quality writing.

    Keep in mind that the introduction should give the preview of what the rest of the essay will be about. Your essay will need to prove your thesis statement. For instance, if the essay is about the United States Prohibition, your thesis statement could be: “A lucrative illegal industry is created by pressure from religious groups causing the government to get prohibition implemented.”

    Writing a cause and effect essay

    Once you have the basics of your introduction planned out, you will then take your notes from earlier and organize them into the body of the essay. Remember that you do not want to simply jump from event to event when writing the cause and effect. You will need to take the time to discuss why the cause had a direct impact on the effect, and even discuss why the effect could not have occurred without a different cause.

    Now that you have a cause as well as an effect to write about you can do some preliminary research to determine whether there is enough proof that these things are linked to write your essay. For historical events, you may want to write out a timeline that shows a direct link between the cause and effect of these issues. Otherwise, group the various reasons the cause led to the effect you are writing about. This will form the basis of the outline that you will write for your essay.

    When coming up with topic ideas, you may consider starting with either a cause or an effect. For example, you may want to write an essay about what caused World War One. From there, you can look at what you already know, as well as your research, to get to the cause.

    There are many things to know in order to write a great cause and effect essay. One of the most important things that you can do is to have a strong basis and understanding of writing in general. Udemy’s Quality Paragraph and Essay Writing course can guide you through the process of crafting better, stronger paragraphs as well as through the process of drafting better essays overall, which can help you in all of your academic endeavors, and even into the world of business.

    Writing the Essay Outline

    Remember that you will need a strong thesis sentence for the introduction. The thesis is something that must be easily debated – you cannot simply state a fact. It should not be heavily opinion-based, either.

    With your brainstorming done and your notes in place, it is time for you to start developing an outline for your essay. The outline will help you stay on track, and will make sure that your essay is more cohesive and does not jump around from place to place (which will usually help to improve your overall grade).

    The first thing to do as you begin your essay is have a brainstorming session, in which you go over everything that you might include in your essay. If you have been given a prompt or a topic to write about, then you already have a starting point. If you need to come up with your own topic, you will have a little more work to do. Learning to brainstorm effectively is crucial for many types of academic and even business pursuits, so you may consider checking out Udemy’s Mind Mapping course in order to improve your brainstorming skills.

    Finally, take the time to come up with the basics for a conclusion. In this conclusion, take the time to emphasis the strong correlation between the cause and the effect. It should not repeat the thesis sentence exactly, but should clearly reflect that your essay has proven your point.


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