HOW TO DRAW BUBBLE LETTERS, how to write cool letters on paper.

How to write cool letters on paper

Although the outside edges should be rounded, by making the internal edges sharp, it will give you bubble letters a more puffy look. Here is an example -

Let’s make this easier to understand using our letter A as an example –

I’m not saying that the one on the right is wrong, I just personally like the look of the left one more – This is totally up to you.

Since highlights are basically a reflection of the light, the best way for them to stand out is by using a brighter color (doesn’t need to be always white)

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How to write cool letters on paper

Keep in mind that the outline should have the same thickness from both sides.

In this step by step tutorial, you are going to learn everything you need to know about drawing bubble letters.

Remember that at the beginning of the tutorial, I mentioned that the internal angle should remain sharp?

This rule basically applies to any lettering style – learning the fundamentals is essential for progress!

How to write cool letters on paper

If you’ve got any questions or would like to know something that I didn’t cover leave a comment below!

An artist once, described this perfectly by saying how writing a tag , the simplest form of graffiti, is like doing a dance. Often when people start their style looks really deliberate and forced.

What differentiates an innovative artist from a mediocre one is their ability to develop ideas for their letters outside graffiti

Lots of beginners go for names like ‘FLAMER’, ‘ACE’ or ‘LAZERCAT’, which have all the attitude of a temporary tattoo.

5. Pick your Graffiti name, be creative:

How to write cool letters on paper

Usually, you’ll find a high standard of graffiti here because artists can spend many hours there without fear of being arrested. There is normally a pretty high turnover of paintings as people paint on top of previous work while learning how to draw graffiti letters for beginners.

When I started painting graffiti fifteen years ago, I struggled to find any kind of information on how to draw graffiti letters for beginners and therefore, develop my skills in such a secretive art form. The only way to learn was making (lots of) mistakes and meeting other graffiti writers , which can be a very slow process. It usually takes an individual several years to be able to draw or paint to a standard that, other graffiti writers would admire.

As we go through these steps try out the different techniques with your letters, see which ones work and which don’t. Drawing letters is all about experimenting so sketch lightly and make sure you have an eraser ready to take out the bits you don’t like and need to replace.

  • L The vertical bar has now got a curve in it and looks like it’s arching its back and pushing its chest out, this has also helped close the gap at the top next to the E. Where the bottom bar of the L over-laps the E it still looks a bit awkward, because it’s blocking out the join of the bottom horizontal bar of the E with it’s vertical bar.
  • E The top horizontal bar now curves down and I’ve added a serif to the end of it, which helps minimize the gap between the E and A
  • A Like in the earlier example the vertical bars are now curved and the letter looks like it’s swinging to the right.
  • R Instead of the right leg just pointing straight down it’s now got a curve in it, which kind of makes it look like it’s just kicked something.
  • N The left bar is now arched away from the R, and the centre connecting bar curves down. The right bar has been brought in closer at the top to close the gap between the center bar.

How to write cool letters on paper

Free alphabet printables encourage your child to learn the alphabet. He can begin tracing the letters and then fill them in with color.

Be creative with your dots. With this method for teaching writing, you can dot up a page so that when the dots are connected they spell out an entire word.

Adah Chung is a fact checker, writer, researcher, and occupational therapist.

An early learning method for teaching writing to young hands is to help them learn the motions of creating each letter. Make a messy alphabet together to show your child how to write.

Play Connect the Dots

Kids don't have to write a long note. Just a couple of sentences help your child get to learn a valuable lesson on the art of the thank you, etiquette and writing skills. You can always add in some other activities to make thank you cards special so your child can look at this exercise as a fun way to show thanks while getting in some good writing practice.

Apryl Duncan is a stay-at-home mom and internationally-published writer with years of experience providing advice to others like her.

Use the letter for more than a few minutes of coloring. Encourage him to talk about words that start with that letter and which letter comes next in the alphabet.

Let your child address your envelopes by tracing over your handwriting. You'll be teaching him how to write both letters and numbers at the same time.

How to write cool letters on paper

  • Brush pens and paper
  • A light gray brush pen/marker
  • A pencil

So if you have red, orange, vermilion, you must use orange as your base color.

Determine where to put the shadows. You can use a pencil to mark where the shadows should appear.

You also need to imagine that the source of light comes from the viewer’s eyes.

3.2 Dark Shadow + Basic Shadow

How to write cool letters on paper

Grab the tools and start practicing your lettering shadows by following this tutorial. Once you are done be sure to post it properly on Instagram (and other social platforms) use the #learning2gether , and tag us on your post so we can give you some feedback on your work 🙂

For you not to forget what you have learned today, you have to practice as much as you can. Apply these in your next lettering/calligraphy pieces.

  • Base: Fresh Green (Sakura Koi)
  • Medium: Yellow Green (Sakura Koi) and Yellow Green (Artline Stix

    How to write cool letters on paper

    • Use hard tip brush pens instead. Popular brands include the Pentel Fude Touch (which I use) and the Tombow Fudenosuke. Hard tip brush pens are much easier to control than soft tip ones and suitable for beginners. The only downside is that there is a limit to the size of your lettering, which will end up smaller than if you used a soft tip brush pen.
    • Try doing faux calligraphy instead. That means using a normal pen to write out letters in cursive, and then thickening the downstrokes. They can be really aesthetic and fun to create.

    I used to use MUJI grid paper, but somehow the ones that I bought later didn’t seem to be as good and the ink from my brush pens and some of my newer highlighters would bleed through the page.

    I’ve gotten comments like “omg your notes are so pretty”, and I began reflecting on why I even bother to make my notes look nice and neat in the first place. I have come up with the following list of reasons:

    Timely disclaimer: I am NOT an expert at hand lettering, I just stick to one style that works for me. There are tons of studygram accounts out there whose styles may appeal more to you, and ultimately, you should find your own unique style.


    How to write cool letters on paper

    Handwriting is only one part of your style. The next step is to ask yourself how you want your notes to look in general. Do you prefer a minimalistic black-and-white style, or a colourful rainbow style? Having these answers in mind right from the outset will help you maintain consistency throughout your notes and avoid hating your notes later.

    Besides, aesthetic notes are NOT the be-all and end-all of effective studying. In fact, they are only a bonus. Don’t be fooled into thinking that people who take aesthetics photos of their notes and post them online are perfect straight-As students. In fact, most geniuses probably don’t even need to write notes since everything is already in their brain. Such effort is more of a “feel-good” kind of thing to motivate yourself.

    If you can’t stand your own handwriting, chances are, you will lose the motivation to write notes quite quickly. Truthfully, not only does having nice handwriting help you create amazing notes for yourself, but it will also please your markers, especially for essay-intensive subjects. During the return of exam papers, our GP teachers had a habit of showing us pictures of scripts with atrocious handwriting, just to impress upon us the hours of torture they have to endure when marking our essays. If the teacher can’t decipher your handwriting, all that amazing content you wrote will go to waste. Therefore, practising your handwriting is killing two birds with one stone.

    Here is my final verdict for the best brands and supplies (but to be honest I haven’t tried many others). Disclaimer: The list below includes my personal preferences only!


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