Essay writing for high school students is not considered a “basic” course. Students are expected to have a general background in writing and possess several skills that will enable them to grasp the concepts presented during this 8 week course.
Time4Writing’s high school essay writing course includes 8 comprehensive units. Each unit emphasizes key writing skills that prepare students for high school and college assignments. Our teachers motivate your students and help them master each unit as they learn in the comfort of their own home.
- Understanding subject-verb agreement
- Correctly using commas, semicolons, and other punctuation
- Using pronouns, adjectives and adverbs in sentences
- Understanding the different sentences that make up a paragraph.
- Proofreading skills for grammar, usage, and mechanics errors.
- Basic knowledge of expository writing at, or above, the middle school level
- Practicing pre-writing skills, so your students are prepared to confidently begin writing the main piece.
- Understanding how to write a detailed and focused thesis statement that provides a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay.
- Writing a structured and entertaining introductory paragraph that clearly introduces the main idea of the essay.
- Creating compelling and concise body paragraphs that include a topic sentence, which relates to the thesis.
- Preparing a concluding paragraph that recaps the essay, presents the main idea of the essay, or gives a general explanation to a problem or argument proposed in the essay.
- Identifying editing symbols and learning how to apply them so students can clearly refine their essays.
What’s Included in Time4Writing’s High School Essay Writing Course?
If you are a parent or teacher looking for a dynamic program that focuses on essay writing for upper-level high school students, please review the following information. It will show you how Time4Writing has helped prepare students for future high school and college writing assignments and standardized testing.
Our college-prep high school essay writing course features one-on-one instruction by certified teachers, customized lessons that match your student’s abilities and personalized feedback. From the pre-writing stage to the revision stage, your students will learn the nuts and bolts of effective essay writing.
- Unit 1: Pre-writing the Essay: Students learn to apply three different pre-writing techniques to his or her own writing.
- Unit 2: Writing the Thesis Statement: Students gain an understanding of how to write a detailed and focused thesis statement.
- Unit 3: Writing the Introductory Paragraph: Students write a structured and exciting introductory paragraph that leads up to the thesis statement.
- Unit 4: Writing the Body Paragraph: Students learn to write well-structured body paragraphs that include a focused topic sentence, specific supporting details, and transitional phrases.
- Unit 5: Writing the Concluding Paragraph: Students learn to write a concluding paragraph which leaves the reader fulfilled and shows the significance of the ideas.
- Unit 6: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading Your Essay: Students identify editing symbols and apply revision techniques to his or her essays.
- Unit 7: Writing the Persuasive Essay: Students learn to write a strong, well-developed persuasive essay.
- Unit 8: Compare/Contrast Essay: Students learn the two styles of compare/contrast essays and then use one of those styles to write one on their own topic.
Time4Writing’s certified teachers supply the instruction, tools and supportive advice that encourages students as they delve deeper into the writing process. Each succeeding step they teach is designed to expand upon the foundation that your students are building — and the ultimate results are a more confident and gifted writer.
Allow essay rewriter read your paper and make necessary changes. He will take the best parts of your work and turn them into a brilliant piece. As a result you get an ideal writing without staying awake the whole night.
Want to see an email confirming your admission? Then be smarter than copypasting someone's story or thought, especially if you don't share this attitude. The helping hand is always closer than you think. What can be better than to enjoy a readymade essay created personally for you?
Another advantage of essay writing service is moderate prices. You don't have to own Tesla company or invent Facebook to pay for the work. A proficient writer would perform the task flawlessly as he has done many times before. It's way better when someone with certain experience is writing an essay, not a person who's torn between leisure time and duty calling. Receive your paper in time, enclose it to your documents and sit until getting an email from college with good news!
#2. Time management failure.
How fast can you type 1 page? Probably, it takes you a bit more than 10 minutes. Then why sitting with one thought in the head "How do I write my essay?" if only 10 minutes required. Because it's a challenging task! You can't finish it overnight.
Advantages you get with essay writing service
The world is changing and these changes affect all spheres. What your parents and seniors taught you might not longer work. For example, learn hard, get good grades and you'll be admitted to college. Well, turns out this rule is also in the past. College admission committees are no longer looking for studious and obedient applicants. What matters is the personality that shines through the pages of your college essay, ability to think and to create, spatial intelligence and your personal opinion. Do you think you can nail this piece of writing? Check out 3 most common mistakes you might be making!
#1. Absence of creativity.
Your work should be unique. It has nothing to do with plagiarism. Making a simple essay saying how good you were at school and how hard you're going to work in college won't help to win a place. Essay writer, for example, never says anything about studying. He tells the story. Your own outstanding story.
#3. Being trivial.
Nothing is as bad for an essay as the very same words and the very same thoughts everyone repeats in their papers. How to avoid them? First, stop reading the website for essay help and templates. If someone has written and posted it on the Internet, there's a high chance it's already been copied to thousands of papers.
Nevertheless, your participation is required as well. An important part of each task performed by another person is to make sure you've got the proper and suitable paper. We recommend to read essay after you receive it. Check the grammar, learn the words you don't understand or unknown names before blindly sending your paper to college. Add your name if it's not mentioned (might occur if you prefer to keep your confidentiality) and decide whether the story correlates with your own one or if the thoughts are similar to those you share.
Essay writing for high school students is not considered a “basic” course. Students are expected to have a general background in writing and possess several skills that will enable them to grasp the concepts presented during this 8 week course.
Time4Writing’s high school essay writing course includes 8 comprehensive units. Each unit emphasizes key writing skills that prepare students for high school and college assignments. Our teachers motivate your students and help them master each unit as they learn in the comfort of their own home.
- Understanding subject-verb agreement
- Correctly using commas, semicolons, and other punctuation
- Using pronouns, adjectives and adverbs in sentences
- Understanding the different sentences that make up a paragraph.
- Proofreading skills for grammar, usage, and mechanics errors.
- Basic knowledge of expository writing at, or above, the middle school level
- Practicing pre-writing skills, so your students are prepared to confidently begin writing the main piece.
- Understanding how to write a detailed and focused thesis statement that provides a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay.
- Writing a structured and entertaining introductory paragraph that clearly introduces the main idea of the essay.
- Creating compelling and concise body paragraphs that include a topic sentence, which relates to the thesis.
- Preparing a concluding paragraph that recaps the essay, presents the main idea of the essay, or gives a general explanation to a problem or argument proposed in the essay.
- Identifying editing symbols and learning how to apply them so students can clearly refine their essays.
What’s Included in Time4Writing’s High School Essay Writing Course?
If you are a parent or teacher looking for a dynamic program that focuses on essay writing for upper-level high school students, please review the following information. It will show you how Time4Writing has helped prepare students for future high school and college writing assignments and standardized testing.
Our college-prep high school essay writing course features one-on-one instruction by certified teachers, customized lessons that match your student’s abilities and personalized feedback. From the pre-writing stage to the revision stage, your students will learn the nuts and bolts of effective essay writing.
- Unit 1: Pre-writing the Essay: Students learn to apply three different pre-writing techniques to his or her own writing.
- Unit 2: Writing the Thesis Statement: Students gain an understanding of how to write a detailed and focused thesis statement.
- Unit 3: Writing the Introductory Paragraph: Students write a structured and exciting introductory paragraph that leads up to the thesis statement.
- Unit 4: Writing the Body Paragraph: Students learn to write well-structured body paragraphs that include a focused topic sentence, specific supporting details, and transitional phrases.
- Unit 5: Writing the Concluding Paragraph: Students learn to write a concluding paragraph which leaves the reader fulfilled and shows the significance of the ideas.
- Unit 6: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading Your Essay: Students identify editing symbols and apply revision techniques to his or her essays.
- Unit 7: Writing the Persuasive Essay: Students learn to write a strong, well-developed persuasive essay.
- Unit 8: Compare/Contrast Essay: Students learn the two styles of compare/contrast essays and then use one of those styles to write one on their own topic.
Time4Writing’s certified teachers supply the instruction, tools and supportive advice that encourages students as they delve deeper into the writing process. Each succeeding step they teach is designed to expand upon the foundation that your students are building — and the ultimate results are a more confident and gifted writer.
If you can’t think of anything that surprises you, anything you find interesting, then you’re not searching well enough, because history, science, and literature are all brimming over with surprises. When you look at how great ideas actually happen, the story is always, “We used to think the world was this way. We found out we were completely wrong, and that the world is actually quite different from what we thought.”
Every once in a while, I would write a really good essay, but mostly I skated by with B’s and A-minuses.
Essay writing can be a dance. You don’t have to stay in one place and write from beginning to end. Give yourself the freedom to write as if you’re circling around your topic rather than making a single, straightforward argument. Then, when you edit, you can make sure everything lines up correctly.
The biggest reason writing an essay is so hard is because we mostly focus on those external rewards like getting a passing grade or our teacher’s approval. The problem is that when you focus on external approval it not only makes writing much less fun, it also makes it significantly harder.
5. Be “source heavy.”
- You’d rather be scrolling through Facebook.
- You’re trying to write something your teacher or professor will like.
- You’re trying to get an A instead of writing something that’s actually good.
- You want to do the least amount of work possible.
Because when you focus on external approval, you shut down your subconscious, and the subconscious is the source of your creativity. What this means practically is that when you’re trying to write that perfect, A-plus-worthy sentence, you’re turning off most of your best resources.
When I used this technique, my professors sometimes mentioned that my papers were very “source” heavy. However, at the same time, they always gave me A’s. Like the five sentence trick, this technique makes the writing process simpler. Instead of putting the main focus on writing well, it instead forces you to research well, which some students find easier.
The conclusion sums up the overall ideas and provides a final perspective on the topic. Concluding your essay holds the same importance as the introductory paragraph.
If you have no idea how to write a conclusion for an essay, here are the key points that you should include.
If you don’t know how to write an essay outline, here are the following steps that you need to follow for structuring your essay properly.
Writing essays can be difficult but the fact is, you can’t escape academic writing no matter what.
Compose Body Paragraphs
To learn how to write an essay introduction, you first need all the necessary information required to tell the reader about the main idea of your essay.
An essay is a common type of assignment that high-school and college students have to deal with. Essay writing can be a pretty daunting task, especially when you lack creative writing skills or don’t enjoy writing at all, or both.
Essay writing can be made easier if you follow a certain pattern and master the steps we have provided you with.
Most of the students are not aware of the essential steps to write an essay. Read on and master how to write an essay on any topic that is well-researched, detailed and tailored for an A grade.