Cause and Effect Essay Topics: 185 Really Good Ideas for 2021, write a cause and effect essay.

Write a cause and effect essay

Luckily, in this article, you will find 180+ cause and effect essay topics on various subjects. You can use them right away or get some inspiration.

Looking ahead, you might see how broad the range of cause and effect essay topics is. Accordingly, there are two fundamental ways to structure them. Get ready beforehand, and the writing process will be much easier.


However, some topics might be developed both ways. The crucial thing is to choose one direction. And don’t try to dig deep into both causes and effects at the same time.

✔️ How to Choose a Good Cause and Effect Topic

Write a cause and effect essay

All these can help to get to the final topic. In the beginning, the critical task is to depict a field of your interest and search it for the cause-effect scenarios. Examples of how to line up the question are below.

A cause and effect essay might seem an effortless task to do. However, detecting cause and effect relationships is not that easy when one has to choose a good cause and effect essay topic.

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Write a cause and effect essay

There are a few types of cause and effect essay, depending on the correlation between different causes and effects.

The structure of a cause and effect essay is very much alike to other essays that you are used to writing. It should start with the introduction part that contains your thesis statement, prove your point of view operating facts and data in the body section of your paper, and summarize the topic with the conclusion part.

The concluding part for your cause and effect essay is pretty much the same as for other types of essays that you usually write. In other words, it doesn’t have any specific requirements except that it should summarize your essay and your point of view. It should also mention the key elements from the previous parts of your essay, including the thesis statement, though you shouldn’t repeat it but paraphrase instead. You should also end your essay on a powerful note – consider adding some suggestions for future research or the possible ways of solving the problem. For example, if you are writing about air pollution and its effect on global warming, you can end your essay with some suggestions on how humanity can reduce this bad influence by recycling and finding new energy sources.

The body paragraphs of your essay should be focused on the cause (or various causes) and the effect (or various effects) and the correlation between them. You can use different methods to prove your point of view – statistical data, related researches, quotes from authoritative sources, situation modeling, etc. Your aim is not to persuade your reader, but to make logical conclusions and analyze the problem from various angles.


Once you know what the topic of your essay is, it’s time to start researching the topic to find the most credible sources for your facts and the latest data on the topic. Essays like this often require suing statistics to prove your point of view – you need to use only reliable numbers from official sources.

Cause and effect essay is an academic work that is based on the facts, events, and actions that lead to a particular result. The purpose of such an essay is to analyze the impact and the outcomes that can also be named as reasons (cause) and results (effect), their correlation, and possible future effects.

As every essay has its purpose and teaches a student particular things, a cause and effect essay is a great example of an academic piece that improves student’s analytical skills and critical thinking. Here is a guide that will help you understand how you can write a cause and effect essay of your own, how to avoid common mistakes, and how to choose a topic for your essay. Let’s get started!

Write a cause and effect essay

This will be your essay’s starting point and the ‘cause.’ You should explain the cause’s background in significant detail so that the basis of your paper will be understood by your readers. Decide on the structure of your essay and according to this, outline your essay.

There are a few steps you can use to help you draft a cause and effect essay. As a general rule, essays such as this one are used for showing how one thing has caused another thing to occur. The effect is the result. You can have multiple effects or multiple causes depending on your essay’s structure. Before actually going ahead and writing your essay, however, it is always a good idea to write the outline first.

To continue your outline, list your first statement or point. This will probably be your first effect. List one or more causes explaining why the effect occurred. List the details supporting in the form of points under the first point. Write a sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

Keep in mind that the introduction should give the preview of what the rest of the essay will be about. Your essay will need to prove your thesis statement. For instance, if the essay is about the United States Prohibition, your thesis statement could be: “A lucrative illegal industry is created by pressure from religious groups causing the government to get prohibition implemented.”

Compose the Introduction

The first sentence in the paragraph, combined with the previous one’s last sentence, should provide a smooth transition and one that is clear. Remember that smooth transitions make the difference between a good essay and a great essay, which you can learn more about with this course. Also, the paragraph’s main content should be a clear analysis and description of the relationship between effect and cause. and effect essay.

Whether you are in a university or in high school, you will usually be called upon to write an essay that analyzes a relationship of cause and effect. Aside from school, essays of this type are also written by bloggers, magazine reporters and news reporters which you can find out more about using this course on quality writing.

You can set up the essay with one effect caused by many things or with many effects caused by one thing. Find the best topics to include in your essay by brainstorming causes and effects. You want to find a general statement proving what mainly causes the effects you are writing about. You can form topic sentences using these points.

Write a cause and effect essay

  1. Modern music and its influence on teen culture.
  2. The impact of junk food on obesity among junior school students.
  3. How mental health is influenced by cyberbullying.
  4. What causes some videos to become viral?
  5. How owning a pet influences people’s health.

The first step in writing any type of essay is to find what you are going to write about. Choosing a topic for your essay might be nor the easiest task, but not in the case of a cause and effect essay. Why? Let’s look at the definition of what cause and effect essay is.

When picking a topic for your essay, be sure to pick the one that resonates with you – it is the best way to write a deep and well-thought piece. Think about the things that you see around you and that are easy to correlate with particular causes. For example, urbanization and its effect on human health and the environment.

Your thesis statement is the core of your work – it should sum up your ideas and thought in one sentence to let your reader understand what the work is. You need to summarize your main idea – the correlation between the cause and effect. For example:


You should also make sure that each paragraph of your work is focused on one single cause (or effect) and contains enough proof to support your point of view.

Cause and effect essay is an academic work that is based on the facts, events, and actions that lead to a particular result. The purpose of such an essay is to analyze the impact and the outcomes that can also be named as reasons (cause) and results (effect), their correlation, and possible future effects.

So, you can see that finding a topic for a cause and effect essay is not that hard – there are multiple problems and subjects that you can write about and which are surrounding us every day. Here are a few cause and effect essay topic ideas:

Write a cause and effect essay

Explore the factors that led to the collapse of the USSR and the effects that were observed as a result. You could focus on its effects on international relations, economies of any of the USSR members, and more than you can think of.

  • Be careful with overdone topics. Some cause and effect essay topics are commonly picked by many students and thus picking such a topic could make you’re a cliché. Without great writing, it could also be boring. If you pick such a topic, think about what else you can add, e.g., if new research has been done on the topic and uncovered new information.
  • Does the topic interest you? Of course, this would not be up for discussion if your instructor specified a topic for you to write about. If you have the leeway t decide on a topic, think about one that you would enjoy writing about. If you are interested in environmental issues, a topic about the environment such as pollution could be a better pick for you so that your enthusiasm can be evident in the essay. This will also simplify your essay writing process.

Students in history, English, or writing classes have probably come across an assignment that requires them to write a cause and effect essay. This type of essay explores the causes and effects of a particular event, action, or phenomenon. It is concerned with the reason why something happened and the result that came of it.

Proper research is indispensable when it comes to writing a good cause and effect essay. You will need to carry out research so that your points and ideas will have the necessary supporting details. These details can be organized chronologically, by order of importance, or according to the category.


Write a cause and effect essay

A substantial number of people frequent fast food establishments. Why is this so and how does this trend affect the health of those people?

There have been reports of people in various states turning against others whom they consider foreigners. For this topic, you would talk about the reasons behind this dislike of foreigners despite many having acquired citizenship.

The assignment is usually given to assess as well as help students develop the ability to assess situations, determine the cause and gain a deeper understanding of an event. Aside from being a complete assignment on their own, cause and effect writing can also feature as part a larger assignment. Despite the name and definition, students are sometimes required to write about the causes or the effects alone in one assignment. Nevertheless, cause and effect essays are of three different types:

  • State the cause, e.g., “one of the major cause of joblessness among the youth is the lack of alignment between the education provided and the skill set needed by the organizations expected to employ them.”
  • Next, provide the supporting evidence and explain it with a few facts such as accurate statistics. E.g. “60% of the organizations interviewed in the research study said that they had trouble finding qualified youth to employ. They said that 90% of the youth they hired had to be trained before being trusted with the responsibilities of the job. This indicates that the youth are not adequately skilled for the roles in organizations.”


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