34 Best PowerPoint PPT Template Designs (For 2021 Presentations), powerpoint template design.

Powerpoint template design

Waneto is one of the best PowerPoint templates we've got. If you're looking for a complete, multipurpose PPT format, check this out. This template features plenty of PowerPoint design ideas. It comes with portfolio slides, infographics, mockups and more.

We’ve curated through thousands of new PowerPoint design templates available on this marketplace. Here's this hand-selected, inspiring list of the best for 2021.

You've got a compelling idea to present, with intriguing concepts to visualize. So, you need a PowerPoint design that'll feature your message with clarity and impact.

That’s right! Download as many professional templates and graphics as you want. Then customize them to fit any of your project needs.

5. Verzus Minimal PowerPoint Template

Powerpoint template design

If you’re a digital marketer or a graphic or web designer with many clients, then Envato Elements offers a great bang for your buck. Sign up for Envato Elements now.

This truly multipurpose PPT template comes with a total of 40,000 slides. Check some of its best features:

Imagine, you fire up PowerPoint. Get ready to start your presentation, and it dawns on you:

Powerpoint template design

Also, before you read on, be sure to grab our free eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. It'll help you master the presentation process from: initial idea, through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Wondering how to change PPT template designs into something special? A quick and easy way is to add images. Audiences in 2020 expect highly visual presentations. Photos help bring ideas to life. Plus, they’re engaging and keep your audience focused.

A minimalist look helps keep your slides clear and easy to read. It’s also stylish and a top trend in PPT design in 2020. This one delivers a full set of bold slide layouts that you can adapt for any project.

Imagine how to change PPT template designs to exactly match your brand’s style. UCorporate lets you do it, creating an unforgettable trendy glimpse at your operations.

How to Use PowerPoint Layouts

Powerpoint template design

Pre-built templates combined with PowerPoint’s editing features make adding images a breeze. It's easy to see how to change a PPT template with the help of our full tutorial:

As you've seen, this makes customization really easy. You don't need design skills or graphic design experience. All you need are great ideas for content. You can edit a PowerPoint template to fully explore your creative possibilities. To edit themes in PowerPoint quickly, use those pre-built layouts.

Think about the goals of your presentation. Are you trying to inform, persuade, or do both? Then head for Envato Elements, the best source for trendy premium PowerPoint templates in 2020.

Powerpoint template design

To apply custom colors to any text or graphics, select the Fill Color option and click “More Colors…” from the resulting drop-down menu. Click the RGB Sliders button and fill in the specific RGB number values in order to apply your custom color palette as desired. When you’ve finished styling your content, click Close Master to go back to normal view mode.

Custom PowerPoint template designs are a very hot item these days, and a fast-growing design category at 99designs. Clients are looking for unique presentations that reflect their branding and make their ideas look professional and credible—that’s where they need a talented designer like yourself to create one for them.

Again, open up your Slide Master. In the slide master menu, select the Title and Content Layout template. Insert your PNG file and send it to the back, so you can position and style your text boxes against the background of your PNG design, using the text editing option in the tool bar at the top.

Head over to Powerpoint now, and click File > New Presentation. Then go to View > Master> Slide Master. Now you’re in a viewing mode where you can edit and create Slide Masters. Slide Masters are a hierarchy of slides storing information about the theme of a presentation.

6. Create your final slide

Powerpoint template design

You’ll notice that a menu of Master Slides on the left has several types of templates for you to choose from. Since we’re going to create a Title Slide next, click on the Title Slide Layout option in the left menu.

Now we want to import the artwork we’ve created in Illustrator into the Title Slide Master. Do this by clicking Insert > Photo > Picture from File > Select your PNG file. Now your PNG file will appear in your Title Slide Master. Next, click Arrange > Send to back so that the artwork is moved to the bottom layer, and text boxes are on top.

If you want to add editable graphs or tables at this point, simply select from the options in the Charts and Tables tabs at the top. You and your client will need Microsoft excel to edit the data in those charts and table.

In this tutorial we’re going to use Adobe Illustrator to create the design, which we will then export and modify in PowerPoint. Here’s how to create a powerpoint template design:

Powerpoint template design

With a modern 3d look that is set off by an attention grabbing gradient backgrounds this PowerPoint presentation can’t fail to impress. Ideal for tech presentations or anything that wants to push towards a bright, bold abstract future. Hundreds of icons available to enable you to make something very special.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen format
  • Number of slides -30
  • Color themes – White with yellow/pink/green accent colors

Check out our ultimate bundle of infographic templates with over 500 premade infographics. Editable in many software products such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, Adobe CC and more.

  • Resolution -16:9 HD
  • Number of slides – 25
  • Color themes – mainly white with 5 pre-made color variations

20. 3D Free Powerpoint Template

Powerpoint template design

Attention-grabbing and full of life, there is nothing to hide with a bright pink background. The contrast white fonts mean it doesn’t overwhelm but it certainly leave an impression. Come with a customizable icon family of 80 different icons and a world map, so it’s adaptable too.

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen format
  • Number of slides -11
  • Color themes- muted natural sea/waves

  • Resolution – 16:9 widescreen format
  • Number of slides -30
  • Color themes – blue,grey/red/white

  • Resolution – 16:9 screen layout (Can change to 4:3)
  • Number of slides -25
  • Color themes – vibrant pink/ slight gradient to purple

Powerpoint template design

In the Design tab, you can create new theme colors, new theme fonts, and even the effects you want.

If you go into View > Master Slide, you can also add other graphics, logos, etc that will appear on every slide of that layout.

And now I just apply that theme every time I create a new presentation.

If there's anything that's on all slides, it's probably in the Slide Master.

Before & After: Giving Your Blog Posts The Content Design Experience

Powerpoint template design

That will save your new branded theme to a local folder so that it always shows up as an option in Design. Usually it will be one of the first ones shown.

You'll probably have a few places in the presentation that need to be tweaked, so look through all the slides.

Since recording the above demo, I did another in PowerPoint 365, the latest version. You can watch that short video here:


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