
27 Best Free Online Citation Generators New 2021 Tools, free bibliography sites.

Free bibliography sites

Access: free
Functionality: manual entry
Extra Features: n/a

Access: free

Zotero is a free browser extension or a Word add-on that allows creating citations without leaving your browser or a Word document.

Access: a free Chrome extension
Functionality: creates citations in Chicago style only
Extra Features: free export and storage of references, alphabetical order of citations

22. Make Citation

Free bibliography sites

By paying for similar services, you save a lot of time when working with sources. The variety of software is wide. And citing websites, books, and periodicals becomes even faster.

This tool makes citations in Turabian, MLA, and APA and requires manual entry of data, but it’s a great way to create bibliography and footnotes.

You can get free referencing from some libraries. Some students even prefer them more than citation machines.

This tool creates citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago. You get more than ten characteristics to choose from to make a full description of a source. The generator even includes fields for editions and volumes.

Free bibliography sites

Access: free
Functionality: manual entry
Extra Features: entries can be easily copied and pasted from the pop-up window

This tool cites sources only in APA style, but if you need a quick citation in this style, it’s a great choice.

Instead of asking how to cite sources over and over again, use one of these MLA or APA citers. We’re sure everyone can find a reference page maker to suit their taste.

This citation generator is great for research and using citations on websites.

16. ResearchoMatic

Free bibliography sites

By paying for similar services, you save a lot of time when working with sources. The variety of software is wide. And citing websites, books, and periodicals becomes even faster.

Use a detailed description of your book, journal, newspaper, and other sources. Answer several questions to get the full reference.
Access: free access

Using citation tools is necessary. Here’s a rating of the top 25 best free online citation generators.

Because you don’t need to put in all the information. Just search for the key characteristics such as title or author.
This method also has a disadvantage:
You can cite only those sources the library has.
Access: free
Functionality: find the book, article, or periodical by searching title, author, or year, click on the citation symbol and get an automatic description in APA, Chicago, Harvard, or MLA
Extra Features: e-mail your sources or save them to use later, export documents to RefWorks

Free bibliography sites

The in-text citation must match the first word of the Works Cited entry – usually the author’s last name. It also includes a page number or range to help the reader locate the relevant passage.

If information about a source is missing or unknown, and our explanatory tooltips (?) cannot help you, you can either check the ‘unknown’ checkbox (if available) or simply skip the input field.

MLA is one of the most common citation styles used by students and academics. This quick guide explains how to cite sources according to the eighth (most recent) edition of the MLA Handbook.

  • Smith and Morrison claim that “MLA is the second most popular citation style” (17) in the humanities.
  • According to Reynolds , social and demographic circumstances still have a major effect on job prospects (17–19) .

MLA citation examples

The citation will still be generated with the information you have provided.

If you already named the author in your sentence, include only the page number in parentheses:

A citation generator is an easy tool that helps you cite sources in a specific citation style.

Free bibliography sites

Citation building remains an important part of local SEO, and building and maintaining an accurate and relevant local set of citations is key.

BrightLocal have excellent software for discovering and building new citations. It helps us a lot.

Our experienced Citation Builder team regularly builds over 30k citations every month, and we submit to more than 120 business listing sites in the US alone.

Google will reference directories and local listings sites to find out more about a business. If you have key business information listed accurately and consistently across the web, then you are more likely to be viewed as an authoritative site by Google.

Why do I need US business listings?

Free bibliography sites

That comes from getting listed on niche local sites, such as event sites, local clubs and authorities, and hyper-local directories.

Take the stress out of citation building and sign up for a free account today. From just $2 per site, we can provide you with a complete and accurate set of citations within just 14 days.

While sites with high domain authority are valuable, SMBs and multi-location businesses can gain more local authority by getting listed on sites that are prevalent in their local area.

Free bibliography sites

When searching, just enter the country name or standard abbreviation, e.g.

Top 100 Free International Citation Sites – Updated for 2020

That’s why we’ve set you up with the next best thing in the meantime: a comprehensive list of 100 international citation sites that can be used to build citations across nearly 200 countries.

International citations are sites and mapping services that cater to business listings in multiple countries.

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Free bibliography sites

  • France – enter ‘France’
  • United Kingdom – enter ‘UK’ or ‘United Kingdom’
  • United States – enter ‘USA’ or ‘United States’

We’ve conducted extensive research into both international citations and local seo citations for each country listed in the table, and while we found a few helpful blog posts and lists along the way, there was nothing very extensive or broad in its geographic coverage.

Please Note: Citation sites listed here aren’t necessarily ones we can submit to using Citation Builder. Click here for more information.

There are multiple national or local citation sites that cover one to two countries (e.g. the USA and Canada), but there are not as many sites available which have global coverage. However, these international sites are very useful for local SEOs and marketers who wish to work with businesses in different countries across the globe.


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